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Complex Multisystem Family Medicine Consultations

For patients with complex medical conditions that affect multiple organ systems, I will provide a comprehensive examination, review of records, and a recommended care plan. These conditions can include any disorder that requires more attention or another opinion. This consultation process will often save the time, inconvenience, and expense of seeing multiple specialists.

How it works:

I’ll obtain a thorough in-person history of your case and review your medical records including labs, x-rays, and scans. I’ll then perform a comprehensive physical examination to explore and base my diagnosis and recommendations for subsequent tests and care.

As a part of this process, I’ll execute research to provide optimal options for a detailed patient care plan with suggested labs, tests, procedures, treatment options, referrals, and follow-up.

If you are a self-referred patient, you can use my services for all medical care—including routine care, complex medical problems, annual physicals, and procedures—with the exception of acute or emergent care needs that arise outside of my office hours. For emergent or acute care, you would need to visit a primary care physician (PCP), urgent care center, or emergency room, as appropriate. If you would prefer to return to a PCP for routine care, a consult note can be sent to the PCP at your discretion.

If you are referred by another physician, either a primary care physician or a specialist, I’d initiate a consultation with the referring physician to decide how they would like to proceed.