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Frequently Asked Questions

The following are answers to the most common questions we receive. If you have questions that are not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at jsfmc@jsaxermd.com

What is a complex multisystem medical problem?

A complex, multisystem medical problem includes any medical issue for which you (the patient) or another physician wants to explore treatment options. Most medical problems affect more than a single system within the body. Some examples of multisystem medical problems include: hormone changes such as those during the perimenopausal or menopausal times, menstrual irregularities, urinary symptoms, irritable bowel, infertility, alcoholism, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. It also includes medical issues experienced during pregnancy that are unrelated to the pregnancy.

How does it work when insurance and Medicare are not involved?

To avoid the constraints and regulations of insurance companies and Medicare, patients' care is provided by John Saxer Family Medicine Consulting at a flat rate of $125 per half hour. This can include the medical history, examination, review of testing, research, documentation and placement of information into the patient's private chart, communication with patient and patient's physicians, as appropriate, and procedures performed. This care is paid at the time of service by the patient. The patient can then submit their charges to their insurance company (not Medicare) for reimbursement or application to their out-of-network deductible.

How does consulting with John Saxer Family Medicine Consulting save me money compared with working within my insurance network?

There are several ways that John Saxer Family Medicine Consulting can save you money. With my experience, I am frequently able to identify and correct a problem more quickly and with less out-of-office testing or other consultations than the patient would otherwise encounter. My flat-fee rate is equal to or less than many insurance allowable charges. If a person has not filled their insurance deductible, has a high insurance deductible, or has an HSA (health savings account), they would be spending that money anyway regardless of whether they are in or out of the insurance network. By performing research regarding a complex case, I can offer other options that may eliminate the need for some subspecialty consultations. While the research does not eliminate all need for subspecialty consultant input, it can contribute valuable information that may help a subspecialist be more efficient in a patient's care. The cost savings are most evident for procedures provided by John Saxer Family Medicine Consulting as they are based on time, rather than billed through insurance.

Will I know how much I have to pay upfront? Or an estimate?

Your costs are based on time, and I can provide an estimate upon request. However, if unforeseen problems come up, the scope and time required will change, which will affect cost. For complex, ongoing cases, it is difficult to estimate the full cost upfront, but we can maintain open communication throughout the process. JSFMC offers an efficient, effective quality of care that will likely provide cost savings compared to what you would pay through insurance.

Do I still see my PCP (Primary Care Physician)? How does communication occur?

Most of my self-referred patients use my services for all medical care—including routine care, complex medical problems, annual physicals, and procedures—with the exception of acute or emergent care needs that arise outside of my office hours. If you are a self-referred patient and would prefer to return to a PCP for routine care, a consult note can be sent to the PCP at your discretion. If you are referred by another physician, either a primary care physician or a specialist, I’d initiate a consultation with the referring physician to decide how they would like to proceed. JSFMC does not provide after-hours care, so in cases of illness or other acute needs, please reach out to your referring physician, urgent care, or emergency room, as appropriate.

Why should I have you complete my annual examination instead of my PCP?

I provide thorough, comprehensive examinations, spending the time to go in depth. This level of attention can allow me to find possible issues early on and treat them appropriately, as well as discuss action steps for preventative care and ongoing wellness.

What happens if I need labs or tests?

The course of action depends on the specific labs and tests needed. I can perform some labs in-office, and the cost would be included in my service fee. For other labs and tests, I would refer you to outside companies that participate with your insurance.

What are your office hours?

Tuesday evenings 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and Saturday mornings 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. By appointment only

How do I contact you?

Send an email to jsfmc@jsaxermd.com, call (913) 286-5155 and leave a message or send a fax to (913) 933-0090. I return messages during office hours only, so you may not receive an immediate response. I am not available for after-hours or emergency calls. Consultation-related communications (that require more than five minutes of time) will be charged a fee.